My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“I could eat your pie all day.” ~ Elijah Cade
Oh my favorite Aussie town is back with all my favorite characters! I freaking loved this book! I love the Sugartown series, but this one has topped them for me. So far…
Carmen Jenner is known for her creative writing mixing a heavy dose of comedy, angst and sexiness while bringing this small town to the forefront of the self -published Indie community, but you are not fully equipped for the deep range of emotions that could possibly be marking the beginning of the end to the Sugartown series.
I can’t even begin to describe how much I enjoyed reading this book. I was gifted Greetings From Sugartown at a perfect time when I was going on my last vacation of the season. I couldn’t put it down! I read until my eyes shut and my Kindle flopped out of my hand, only to wake a few hours later with my first thoughts to grab my Kindle and keep going. Do you know how hard it is to not laugh out loud continuously while reading in the middle of the night, while you have a boat load of people sleeping near you? I could not control myself! Thinking back I still laugh. One name, Bob! I won’t even touch the fact that my heart was ripped out of my chest, tears running down my face, actually saying I can’t go on. I was scared where the story was heading. Thankfully, I made it out ok, but it was touch and go there for a little bit.

Elijah and Ana. Two people who are meant to be as one but always coming at a cost. “There’s only sex, and sun, and us, and our crazy, stupid love.” ~Ana Belle
While things have been going good in the lives of this love, a time of darkness comes knocking on their door and nearly rips them apart and it’s up to Elijah to keep Ana safe by doing whatever is necessary, to becoming whoever is necessary. It has to be said that even though I want you to read Greetings From Sugartown NOW, you must start from the beginning with Welcome To Sugartown then Enjoy Your Stay.
Don’t worry; Carmen has such a way with words that the flow of all her books are at a steady pace through the world of sugary,sexy suspense and you’ll be flying through this series, loving every minute, eventually becoming a sugar junkie.

Sinfully Sweet Stars all around!
Pre-Order Links
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00MS7Z38W
(*) Blogger Note (*)
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