Iron & Bone (Book #3 Lock & Key Series)
Designed by Najla Qamber Designs
Coming: December 29, 2015

a slash that still
failures piled high
and flammable.
I held my losses at
bay with knives, with guns, my hands,
my bike, my brothers,
my iron will.
not my heart.
No, my heart was the
that would light the
ignite the blaze.
I am the enforcer
The killer when called
the ruthless hound on
the one who cleans the
mess left behind.
The protector.
I can make you bleed,
Smash you to pieces.
But she smashed all my
and I shattered hers.
For a split second she
was mine,
but I will always be
Some things,
really beautiful
you can’t hold onto

Cat Porter was born and raised in New York City, but also spent
a few years in Europe and Texas along the way. As an introverted, only child,
she had very big, but very secret dreams for herself. She graduated from Vassar
College, was a struggling actress, an art gallery girl, special events planner,
freelance writer, restaurant hostess and had all sorts of other crazy jobs all
hours of the day and night to help make her dreams come true. She has two
children’s books traditionally published under her maiden name. She now lives
in Athens, Greece with her husband and three children, and freaks out regularly
and still daydreams way too much. She is addicted to the History Channel, her
iPad, her husband’s homemade red wine, really dark chocolate, and her Nespresso
coffee machine. Writing keeps her somewhat sane, extremely happy, and a
productive member of society.
Connect with Cat