Locked and Loaded
(Bullet #6)
Jade C. Jamison
Zane made Ethan look like an angel…
Release date: February 1, 2016
Genres: Contemporary Romance,
Rock Star Romance, Erotic Romance
Audience: 18+ due to sexual situations,
Is it too much to believe that someone keeps returning to your life because it’s meant to be?Zane Carson is an idealistic young man with one big skeleton in his closet when he first meets Jennifer Manders in college. They date only to break up soon after. The sexual attraction is like an electromagnet but they fight like alley cats. The relationship just isn’t worth it.
Zane’s band Fully Automatic breaks big about the same time Jennifer finishes college. One summer afternoon, they meet for coffee and sparks fly once more. It’s off again, on again, but they just can’t make it work and break it off for good, deciding it’s not worth the effort.
But Zane is drawn to her and, during a break in the music action, he tracks her down again, willing to change himself for her and needing to give her one last try. The attraction is as strong as ever, but now Jennifer is hiding something from Zane—something big, something that threatens to extinguish the spark for good. When Zane discovers her secret, will he be able to forgive her or will that be the end?
“Oh, Zane, this place is amazing. Why haven’t I ever heard of it before?”
“I can tell you exactly why. Three reasons.” She raised her eyebrows as he raised his index finger. “One, it’s almost downtown, and I know you avoid downtown like the plague. If I recall, you said something about rather losing a limb than walk the Sixteenth Street Mall again.”
“I said that?”
“Well…maybe that was a little drastic.”
“Yeah, probably.” He lifted the bottle of Dos Equis and then said, “Two, it’s a little hole in the wall. It doesn’t advertise like some of the bigger restaurants—no billboards, no newspaper ads, shit like that.”
Jennifer nodded. “Okay, yeah. And what’s number three?”
Zane leaned over the table and whispered. “It’s kind of a dive.” Jennifer couldn’t help but giggle. “But in a good way.”
She laughed out loud at that. “Yeah, definitely.” She picked up a chip and dipped it in the warm queso next to Zane’s bottle. “The food is amazing so far.”
“Just wait.”
The waiter came by with a pitcher. “More water, señorita?”
“Please.” After the waiter was back on his way, she said to Zane, “I love it. I love the people and I even love that stupid TV in the corner.”
Zane glanced over. “Yeah, well…”
“No, seriously. They don’t have the sound on, but it somehow makes it feel like home in here, you know? Lights and movement, but the sounds are coming from the kitchen and some weird soundtrack.”
Zane breathed through his nose, putting on a look of mock horror and said, “What if it’s our soundtrack?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if this is our movie? A movie about our lives…and that’s the soundtrack?”
“Three things.”
Zane grinned. “What?”
“One…if this is our movie, it’s pretty damn boring. No car chases, no sex scenes, no snappy dialogue—”
“Says who? My dialogue’s plenty snappy.”
“Two, the soundtrack sucks.”
“Well, don’t be telling them that.”
“And…I don’t have a three. I guess just two.”
A smirk covered Zane’s face. “And we can take care of the sex scene later.”

Series Info (additional purchase links below)
- 1 Bullet: An Epic Rock Star Novel
- 2 Rock Bottom
- 3 Feverish
- 4 Fully Automatic
- 4.5 Christmas Stalkings: A Novella
- 5 Slash and Burn
- 6 Locked and Loaded
Locked and Loaded is the final book in the Bullet series.
Sales info
Both box sets (containing books 1-5) will be on sale for $4.99 1/31/16 through 2/2/16

For years, Jade
C. Jamison tried really hard to write what she thought was more
"literary" fiction, but she found herself compelled to write what you
read by her today--sometimes gritty, raw, realistic stories and other times
humorous, light tales--but most of the stories she writes revolve around
relationships and characters finding their way through life. While she doesn't
confine herself to just one genre, nor is there a nice neat label for what she
writes, most of her work could be called erotic romance. Her main writing
passions include rock star romance, romantic comedy, and romantic suspense.
She lives in Colorado with
her husband and four children.
Stalk Her:
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