It’s my name. It’s what I fight for. It’s Frankie.
I’m a fighter. Trained to always keep my cover. To anticipate, see the next hit coming. I never expected her past to come at us swinging like it has.
I’m about to take on two of the most important fights of my life. My girl and the belt. I know that I can handle it. That I’ll never stop fighting. But, what do you do when your life, your love is threatened and you can't take the hits – she has to? You shut your eyes and fucking pray like hell that she’s strong enough, fierce enough to come out on top.
I went to war for her. Now it's her turn.
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Mandi Beck
is that one guilty pleasure that you just can’t keep secret and you may want to
snuggle up with her wordgasms but believe me when I say that just the tip isn’t
going to satisfy you for long. You will be shouting for the need to be full of
Love. And she delivered. TKO
Just wow. I love to blog. I find the
simplest pleasure in saying,” hey guess what? I read this amazing story and I
think you might like it too.” I am always grateful to authors who make it
possible for me to have an advanced reader’s copy of their books in exchange
for my honest experience, and you know what? I can’t even follow a format to
writing a comprehensive review for Love Burns.
Are you asking why? Well for starters, I am in LOVE with this book. I am
so in LOVE with the characters. I am beyond words that could express what this
book and it’s previous in the series, Love Hurts, means to me. While reading
this book I felt every emotion that the author wanted me to. I was breathless
when Frankie was breathless. I was enraged when Deacon felt the need to bust someone’s
nose with the back of his skull. I was heartbroken when the unimaginable
happen. I was so full of Love when they heard that sound for the first time. I was
ready when it was go time.
Stick and
I was proud
when my girl, the Princess, was the fighter I know she is. I was even more
proud when I saw ALL the Love on social media when Love Burns went live early.
Impressed even. The Caged Series is one that will stay with me for an
unforeseeable future and Love Burns solidified its spot to be one series that I
will always recommend others to read.
Book 2 in The Caged Series, Love Burns
continues where we are left in book 1 Love Hurts, as Frankie and Deacon are
fighting for their lives, their Loves and each other along with a possible MMA title
fight. We are taken through the story as
Deacon gets you nice and dirty while at the same time trying to find your way through
the suspense only to be surrounded by the grace and beauty that is Francesca De
Rosa. I just Love her! Questions will be answered and new promises developed.
As readers we are given the closure we need in Love Burns as well as the
possibility of more. Love Hurts must be
read before Love Burns and if you haven’t started yet get ready for “The
Hitman” to make his presence known.

Ok, so where do I start?
That’s the big question, right?
How do I put in to words how I felt while reading this book? It’s not easy, because all of my words seem
to be coming up short. The fact of the
matter is that this book threw me for a loop.
If you could see my chat conversation with Mandi, you would know it was
an all-out assault on my emotions. At
one point I was yelling, (sorry Mandi, lol), and went to ecstatically happy to
a sobbing mess.
Books that wage war on your senses are the best
kind. The authors that are able to write
those books that crack you open and make you feel what the characters are going
through quickly become some of my favorites;
and from the very first page of the first book in the series, Love
Hurts, I knew Mandi Beck was going to be one of those authors for me.
Love Burns is the second book in the series, and we are
basically thrust right back in to the storyline where Love Hurts left us. Kind of battered, knocked around, not really
knowing which way is up, and it doesn’t really let up. Deacon loves Frankie, and there is nothing
that he wants more in life, other than the belt and that is debatable, to see
her happy. She has always been it for
him, the end game. He has broken her trust,
and she’s just not sure how to come back from that. And so, Deacon does what any fighter would
do. He goes to war for her.
Circumstances change, as they always tend to do, and once
again trust is broken, and an insurmountable tragedy strikes which turns the
tables. In order to get her fighter,
Frankie has to go to war for Deacon.
There were soooooo many times while reading that I
yelled. I wanted to reach through my
kindle and shake characters. I cried ugly
tears, and then in the same breath smiled so big. It was absolutely beautiful, and at times so
heartbreaking I couldn’t take it.
characters were so real, and very well developed. I loved the banter between Deacon and
Frankie, and all of the secondary characters as well. Not only did I fall in love with Deacon and
Frankie in this series, but the whole crew.
In some books it’s hard to give the secondary characters depth because
it could take away from the main characters and the story focus. This is not the case with Love Burns. Every single character adds something to the
I have said it before, and I will say it again. ^That is a mark of a gifted author. One that can pull those emotions out of you with
their words. A 5 star review doesn’t even
seem adequate enough. It is deserving of
so much more.
Mandi Beck has been an avid reader all of her life. A deep love for books always had her jotting down little stories on napkins, notebooks, and her hand. As an adult she was further submerged into the book world through book clubs and the epicness of social media. It was then that she graduated to writing her stories on her phone and then finally on a proper computer.
A nursing student, mother to two rambunctious and somewhat rotten boys, and stepmom to two great girls away at college, she shares her time with her husband in Chicago where she was born and raised. Mandi is a diehard hockey fan and blames the Blackhawks when her deadlines are not met.
Love Hurts is her debut novel and she is currently working on the next in the series along with whatever other voices are clamoring for attention in her mind.
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