Title: The Fire Between High & Lo
Series: Romance Elements #2
Author: Brittainy C. Cherry
Genre: Romance
Release Date: March 25, 2016
There once was a boy, and I loved him.
Logan Francis Silverstone and I were complete opposites. I danced, and he stood still. He was quiet, while I ran my mouth. He struggled to find a smile, and I refused to frown.
The night I saw the darkness that truly lived inside of him, I couldn't look away.
We were broken together, yet somehow whole. We were wrong together, but always right. We were the stars that burned across the night sky, searching for a wish, praying for better tomorrows.
Until the day I lost him. He threw us away with one hasty decision--a decision that changed us forever.
There once was a boy, and I loved him.
And for a few breaths, a few whispers, a few moments, I think he loved me, too.
Logan Francis Silverstone and I were complete opposites. I danced, and he stood still. He was quiet, while I ran my mouth. He struggled to find a smile, and I refused to frown.
The night I saw the darkness that truly lived inside of him, I couldn't look away.
We were broken together, yet somehow whole. We were wrong together, but always right. We were the stars that burned across the night sky, searching for a wish, praying for better tomorrows.
Until the day I lost him. He threw us away with one hasty decision--a decision that changed us forever.
There once was a boy, and I loved him.
And for a few breaths, a few whispers, a few moments, I think he loved me, too.
I am sitting
here, with my fingers hovering over the keyboard, willing the words to come out
that will express my feelings for this book. To be honest my thoughts are everywhere.
My feelings are someplace above me swirling around and they just can’t be brought
A work of
Has made me feel
like I was part of the story.
It’s no
secret that I sit in awe when it comes to me reviewing Brittainy and her books.
In my most honest opinion I think she gives her readers the very best stories
that she can give, she has done that in the past, and this book is no
exception. I fell into the lives of two very different people who just so
happen to have a connection that could not be helped and watched how their lives
unfolded over the course of years where the struggles were real, the darkness
was intense, and the love that surrounded them didn’t always fix it all.
I didn’t
know what kind of ending I would wind up in, I didn’t know who the hero would
be. I didn’t know who would be still standing at the end. But as I’m still
sitting here I know that all these “I don’t knows” and “the maybe’s”, are
exactly what I was supposed to be thinking and feeling. The Fire Between High
and Low is simply a great story. A rollercoaster ride that dips and swells at
every turn of the page. A sequence of events that will take you on a journey of
self-discovery and strength.
A reminder
that at the end of the day, it’s who you walk home with that counts the most.
I can’t wait to see what book three will bring
*** Even though The Fire Between High and Low
is a stand- alone within a series, do yourself a favor and read book 1 of the
Elementals Series, The Air He Breathes. And while you’re at it, make sure you
grab the rest of Brittiany C. Cherry’s books and read them if you haven’t
already. She has a true beauty to her words that just grab you from the
beginning and won’t let you go until… well I still carry her words with me now…
many, many, MANY days later.
met my best friend in the checkout lane of a grocery store. And my life was never the same again.”
This book is one that pulled me in from the first
page. It was one that made me forget to
take notes of what I was feeling, as I was reading for my review. I was taken hostage by the story, and at some
points, I had to walk away from the slow burn that was starting in my soul,
because I *JUST KNEW* all that was going to be left was ashes when it was
I was a junkie for these characters…afraid of how much I needed this story, so I kept pushing it away. I didn’t want any more, but needed it just the same. Brittainy shattered me like glass in all the best ways possible, and then put my pieces back together, and even though the pieces aren’t in the same spot they were before that is okay, because this story…these characters, Alyssa and Logan, changed me.
I was a junkie for these characters…afraid of how much I needed this story, so I kept pushing it away. I didn’t want any more, but needed it just the same. Brittainy shattered me like glass in all the best ways possible, and then put my pieces back together, and even though the pieces aren’t in the same spot they were before that is okay, because this story…these characters, Alyssa and Logan, changed me.
Their story, although painful to witness most of the time
was so real. I don’t even know how to
put it into words.
Their pain…soul crushing.
Their love…soul consuming.
The Fire Between High and Lo is a story of taking the pain
one grows up with, and turning it around; not allowing it to hold you captive. It’s a story of second chances and
redemption. It’s a book that you want to
read at a slow pace so you can soak it all up.
It’s a must read.
the ashes, they rose, and burned once again.
He never forgot her glow, and she never forgot him.”
Also Available
Brittainy Cherry has been in love with words since the day she took her first breath. She graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelors Degree in Theatre Arts and a minor in Creative Writing. She loves to take part in writing screenplays, acting, and dancing--poorly of course. Coffee, chai tea, and wine are three things that she thinks every person should partake in! Brittainy lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her family. When she's not running a million errands and crafting stories, she's probably playing with her adorable pets.
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