Today we are celebrating the release of ACHE by S.M. Soto.
A standalone, second chance romance novel.
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ACHE by S.M. Soto
Now Available | Standalone Novel
Amazon US | Nook | Apple | Kobo
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WOW! Even though the title of this book should have clued me in to the feelings I would be racked with, ACHE by S.M. Soto packed one hek of a punch to the heart and mind and never did let up until the very end. Honestly these words and emotions are still swirling within me to this day. I do want to say that there is a trigger warning for abuse for ACHE and I would be cautious if this scenario is a hard sell for any readers, but I do encourage everyone to read this book if you can. ACHE is beautiful and heartbreaking but also a wonderfully written story. ACHE is about finding the will and strength to keep going and giving yourself over to the happy that you deserve.
ACHE is gut wrenching in the most alluring way.

S.M. Soto was born and raised in Northern California where she currently resides with her son. Her love for reading began when she was a young girl, and has only continued to grow into adulthood. S.M. lives for reading books in the romance genre and writing novels with relatable characters. She refers to herself as a bit of a romance junkie. S.M. loves to connect with readers and eat copious of donuts that will surely lead to her demise (carbs are life).
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